Homing Fail - Genmitsu Kiosk Laser

Hi, I am new working with laser machines, i just received my Kiosk Laser machine but i am having an issue setting it up.


  1. I do see that the laser is not covering the entire workspace when making movements with Lightburn, which is 100mmX100mm
  2. Homing — ALARM:9 —
    Homing fail. Could not find limit switch within search distance. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel on search and 5 * pulloff on locate phases.

Thanks, i would appreciate your support.

  1. What did you set for your workarea size when you created the Device? Check the upper right of the Device Setings window.
  1. Does your machine have Home switches? They will be activated when the laser is in the front left corner.
    If “NO”, then you must set GRBL parameter $22=0 in either the Machine Settings window, or by entering this in the Console window.

Welcome to the Lightburn forum! Users, and sometimes the Lightburn staff, provide an incredible amount of support.

Please add the output power of your laser to your biography page. It will help when you ask questions.

I set 100mmx100mm.

And yes, this machine has a home switch.


Really not familiar with this machine.

Your home direction $23=7
Is the laser traveling in the correct direction while homing ?
The chart below shows the axis direction.

One other possibility, maybe the laser hade is being restricted my something like wiring.

I will be traveling tomorrow, so hopefully someone else will jump in here and diagnose.