Homing not working - installed limit switches

Hi guys!
i am a kind of new to lasers and have been looking around this forum alot but could not find a solution for my problem.
I recently installed limit switches on my engraver (normal diode laser with X & Y axis), the software recognises when they are pressed, gives me this message:
(ALARM:1 Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re homing is highly recommended.)
The switches are operating in normally open!
but when i home, i found that both switches has to be closed simultaniously for the machine to stop, if only one of the switches are pressed nothing happens and the machine won´t stop.

Do you guys have any ideas what could be wrong? Here is the machine settins from the console

Place the laser head in the furthest distance from the micros. When you press home, press one on the micros and see if it stops moving in that direction. I have a feeling that your X and Y micros are reversed.

I’d check out what @MrMag advised…

I have a woodpecker board, looks like yours … the silkscreen on the board has X, Y and Z marked on it but it’s actually like the Chinese engineered it as Z, Y and X… right to left…

This is the Z limit switch on my CNC3018…

Good luck


Switches location of both limit switches and now it works. thanks alot for the help :slight_smile:

Was it Z, Y, X and you swapped them?

My board was a 2.something, the same board now version 3.5… and they still haven’t fixed it… :crying_cat_face:


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