To help in understanding these different Job Origin modes: Coordinates and Job Origin - LightBurn Software Documentation
When the machine is powered up, the Y axis goes to zero on the machine and the X axis goes to 10000. But honestly the X axis just stays at whatever coordinate it happens to be at that moment. That is if I do not open any software. Should my miscellaneous Return Point be set to no return at this point? Since I am not homing properly?
I did a video so that others can get a better idea of what i am saying. Please learn by it, or provide feedback that may help me in moving forward. Thanks to all for all feedback thus far.
Check to make sure that the X axis limit sensor is actually triggering when the metal plate goes over top of it, and that it’s mounted securely - I’ve seen the screws back out of these a little, and it can be just enough to misalign them and make them inconsistent. The gap between the metal plate and the top of the sensor should be very small.
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