Horizontal Line In Picture


I was doing some testing on black granite and still need to dial in the brightness/contrast but that is not the main concern. As you can see in the images below, there is a rogue horizontal line that appears in the image. What could be causing this?

I think I have an idea of it being the rails but I’d like to get 2nd opinions before I have to look into replacing them.

That’s more than one scan line, it looks like at least 10, depending on your DPI. No advice here, but does the original image have anything close to that in that area? Did you scan a photo for this? Is this some sort of slippage on the scanned photo? As usual, enclosing the original image and LightBurn file also, may help others here help you locate a solution. Does it repeat if you try again? I don’t think, but can’t rule out, a problem in the granite either.

Looking in more detail, which is limited… The is the band within the red and it slants slightly upwards going to the right.


Yellow looks like a partial failure, whereas the green looks like it working.

This looks like an intermittent failure, such as wires/connectors.

Unless it’s replicated in the exact same place, I’d suspect a wiring failure.

Sometimes when scratching my head, I ask myself, how could I duplicate it. I don’t know how you could duplicate this without going to a lot of work and on the same layer…

Good luck


the person and flag are AI generated. There are no aberrations in the source photo for the job.

I didn’t notice the line wasn’t there on the “R”. That definitely throws me for a loop.

I used a laptop that was connected via usb cable to the machine and just pressed “Start” within lightburn. The job took about 1H40M to complete in total. Is it possible the usb connection caused this?

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