Horizontal vector lines are moving

I’ve had my laser for A. Bout. And the horizontal lines are starting to bump or drag. I have to keep this fresh and people’s minds because.

Check your drag chain for your wires. It looks like the wires are catching on the frame, causing the Y axis to drift when cutting the X axis.

Thank you but no. Wires are clean. Doesnt seem mechanical. I just burnt 12 small items at the same time in my jig. And everyont had the sam issue. No matter where on the board.

100% certain that the problem is mechanical and not software. It’s up to you to find the problem in the mechanics. That obviously is not something we can do without a crystal ball.

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Understood. Trying to find ways to isolate mech vs ele vs software. Of course, I do appreciate the input and help. It’s not an obvious mechanical thing. If not, maybe some dirt on the rail. I’ve cleaned it like 3 times and I’ve rotated the runners / bearings, that doesn’t change the location of the bump.

Never is. Move the laser head to the location where it “bumps” and examinr the drive belt in that area.

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