I have LightBurn operating on a 1280 x 800 tablet running Linux and by setting the app icons to large and app font to 15 things are touchable with pretty fat fingers. But what I can’t do is trigger the Shift-Frame button action to get the diode laser to frame in low power/fire mode. A hotkey combination would allow me to setup a gesture to perform these framing/fire operations.
The square boundary frame shortcut is (Alt+R) and the rubberband frame shortcut is (ALT-SHIFT-R).
Wow, you guys add features fast! LOL. I guess I looked at an old hotkey list when I searched for “frame”.
I will give this a shot.
I am not all up on goodies for Linux, but there must be something similar to the Windows ‘HID Macros’ or ‘AutoHotkey’ or using the Macs built-in tools. More here…: Numpad mask to control Ruida - #27 by codexmas
I’m not sure if that’s going to trigger the ‘Fire’ (diode on) though.
I’m trying to get this working without a keyboard, ie 100% touchscreen on one of those $2.10 hack-a-day tablets( formerly Windows Vulcan XB tablets ). I see lots of people, including myself doing design work inside on a ‘regular’ computer and then going out to their machine just to run. With Ruida I think you guys solved with the gateway, but with all other(GCode) machines, we generally have to have a full computer at the machine just to do minor layout movements and GCode pushing. A cheap tablet running LightBurn solves this.
I’m working out the kinks which right now is getting the diode laser to frame/fire. I can now get it to frame without fire using the Alt-r hotkey combo. Figuring out how to do a multiple modifier( Shift+Alt-r ) in the gesture config is where I’m at. Touchegg and Touche(config tool).
Alt-Shift+r does the rubberband AND fires the laser.
Shift-Alt+r does the rubberband AND fires the laser…
Alt+r does square frame, no laser
I can’t get square frame AND laser with hotkeys.
Oh wow. This is great. Note that I don’t think this shortcut is listed anywhere in documentation nor in any tooltip that I’ve seen.
Good news though.
Noted and submitted, will update to document.
@Rick and/or @adammhaile would either of you know why the Touchegg gesture system( GitHub - JoseExposito/touchegg: Linux multi-touch gesture recognizer ), which is used on other Linux distros, have insight into this quirk I’m running against with LightBurn?
I have LightBurn latest beta with a verified hotkey sequence of Shift+Alt+r or Alt+Shift+r which causes a laser head to outline the design AND fire the diode laser.
This works with a USB keyboard connected but with the Touchegg gesture interface setup for a 2 finger tap gesture to do the same 3 key sequence and it does the outline but will not trigger the firing of the laser. Again, the keyboard 3 key sequence works but the same 3 key sequence sent by the gesture system triggers the rubberband frame but NOT the laser fire.
Is there something in the OS which makes the physical keyboard message events different from keyboard events Touchegg sends? I know it is getting the 3 keys because it does the rubberband frame where 2 key sequence of just Alt+r does the square frame.
What’s even stranger is that I installed the Touche app which is a GUI config for Touchegg and it recorded the 3 key sequence and sets up the config but still it does not mimic what the keyboard does with the application. Any idea why the keyboard does something different than an app sending keyboard events?
Are you able to pull-up the generated configuration file to see how it was captured? Might provide some clue to how it’s being activated.
yes and even contacted the developer who looked at it and said that he’d made Touchegg to specially handle Ctl-Alt-Tab so for my purposes I needed to manually setup the config file with “Shift_L+Alt_L” in the modifier section and only “r” in the key section.
Like this attached file but I still don’t get a mimicking of the keyboard operation.
touchegg.conf-2_3fingerTap.txt (850 Bytes)
It seems like how Qt/LightBurn is handling keyboard input is different from how the key sequence is injected with Touchegg.
That’s both promising and disappointing.
Try running ‘xev’ and compare the captured results from physical keyboard vs touch. Might provide more insight.
The config file looks like it should be exactly what you need. Hmm…
One thing that’s weird is that the open and close tags don’t match. Weird. Note the accent in the open tag. I assume you missed the initial < when you copied it over. But I’ve never seen this convention before. Surprised it actually works to be honest.
I was looking through the Touchegg closed issues and saw the recommendation to look at xev and started doing that. So no matter what order I press the shift and alt keys with the ‘r’ key I get ^[R using either the keyboard or Touchegg, ie they put the same thing in the terminal window for xev but clearly they are handled differently in LightBurn.
And the open/close of the touchegg xml are identical. I’d deleted something and so edited the file and must have typed instead of copied the ending XML segment.
To top it off, I just tried Shift+R+Alt and the rubberband frame with laser firing happens as soon as I depress the Alt key. Same for r+Shift+Alt.
AND, r+Alt does the box frame so it does not seem matter what order the keys are pressed.
And, the enhanced onScreen keyboard will do 2 modifiers so Shift+Alt+r also push out ^[R to the xev but in LightBurn it does NOT fire the laser and does only the rubberband frame. Soooo weird.
I also found out that Touchégg uses the XTest extension to inject keys.
I tried almost everything but finally got something besides a physical keyboard to fire the right key press sequence to get one of the hotkey frame combinations to work AND fire the laser! A python script and the library to do hotkey presses wouldn’t work, I had to do the equivalent. Now, any chance of a hotkey for firing the laser on the box frame button?
Might I offer up a hotkey sequence for the Framing buttons and Framing buttons with diode fire?
I searched the strings in LightBurn and found no usage of Alt_Left nor Alt_Right but those are valid modifiers.
Alt_R+r for rubberband framing( the rubberband button is to the right of box frame button)
Alt_L+r for box framing( the box frame button is to the left of rubberband frame button)
Shift+Alt_R+r for rubberband framing WITH laser fire( current setup but any Alt key triggers)
Shift+Alt_L+r for box framing WITH laser fire
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