How do I add middle dots between numbers

How do I add dots between numbers normally in documents you have to press allt + 0183. But this doesn’t seem to work in Lightburn, as it brings up the print and cut menu instead?

Thank you. This is very helpful… but how do I make it round not square?

I think that’s a function of the font you use.

Thanks for the help. Seems to have done the trick. Wish there was a simpler way in future instead of using all function.

Much appreciated :+1: :pray: :relaxed: :raised_hands: :relieved:

Oops meant alt function.

Tried different fonts but still square… Going to try it in Word then paste it into lighburn as an image, trace the image then create a vector… only way possible?

Just use the circle function and fill. Then if you need more just copy and paste.

Tried that Leo… it’s hard to get a perfect alignment with multiple dots between numbers.

That’s weird. If I go through and select different fonts I get round or square or other depending on the font.




Pressing Ctrl while moving anything gives you a better resolution of movement. I’m sure you know, but maybe not.

If you’re on MS Windows 10, “windows key + . “ (that’s Win + the period) will bring up the emoji keyboard that also includes the extended ASCII characters.

That would be horribly inefficient and a detriment to fine detail.

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