I’ve been at this for the past couple of days on this attempt. That was after the same amount of wasted time just a few days ago. I’m still no closer to figuring out how to align the laser bed with the frame.
I need some clear instructions on how to configure the home, origin, laser bed etc. I’ve been using the frame function to see if my adjustments are closer aligned with my material. However, this results in the laser module belt trying to move beyond the frame boundary.
If you use Absolute coordinates, and keep your designs within the work area grid, you will no longer encounter the frame boundary issues - though this is only true as long as your laser goes ‘home’ when it first starts up - so it can know where the machine origin (0,0) is.
I’m not quite sure I understood aligning the laser bed with the frame correctly - if the above doesn’t answer your questions, could you provide a little more detail so we can assist further?