How do I create sepia tones in a photo - Not working on import/open

I’ve been playing about in affinity photo with a photo and added a sepia tone (brownich colour) to it. Unfortunately, the sepia tone isn’t transferring into lightburn. I’ve tried in svg and jpg format.

I’ve printed a test strip on card and I am impressed with the result. The detail is very good but it might need a minor change.

In fareness, I’ve had to do what they called in the good old days a bit of dodging and burning (darkening and lighting) parts of the original for laser engraving

Unfortunately, it was after cutting that I noticed that the sepia tone didn’t print. The photo is just black and white. How do I add a sepai tone to a photo in lightburn or how do I transfer it from affinity?

In the material, it is char or not char. In other words, black and white. when you import any image into Lightburn, it is converted to a grayscale image with no color. You may have to manipulate the image to get what you want in the output. You can use any of several image modes, or pass it through as is with no modification.

You can get a sepia look by using lower power and only browning the wood.

Images are the most difficult thing you can do with a laser. Lots of trials, lots of scrap, lots of aggravation, and lots of reward when you succeed.

Here is a very good explanation of how to understand what is happening.

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