How do I lengthen the tail on my font? I'm a beginner

How do I lengthen the tail on my font? I am a beginner.

Fonts come in a ‘set’, they are generally not user configurable. Possibly not understanding you.

A photo or graphic is a better choice… to express the end product.


Hello Jack and thank you for responding. I am very new to this creative world of Lightburn and I am wanting to put names on tumblers, but I would like to have it flow into the first letter, similar to a ribbon; then, flow out of the last letter. Will I need to purchase something to create this type of lettering? Thanks again!

As Jack suggests, an image would make things easier, but if you simply want to extend a single character’s “tail” feature, you can convert the text to a path and use the node tool to stretch it out a bit.

tail stretch

100’s of downloadable fonts. I use one called “dancing script” quite often

The node editor is extremely useful and I would encourage you to learn how to use it.

Take a few and see if this video would make it easier for you to accomplish your task. Boolean operation are much easier to use and get the desired results. You will find these useful, if it helps you or not with this problem, it will help you overall.

They are many here that can help you if you have issues with ‘driving’ the software, I’ve had my share and it’s usually a misunderstanding of how something works or is handled by Lightburn. Post it if you can’t make it work the way you wish…

Good luck


I do believe this is what I will need to accomplish my project. Thank you!

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I am new to Lightburn, so I cannot comment on the editing capabilities of the software. However, a free program called INKSCAPE is good for manipulating shapes and images, that you can then export as DXF files to Lightburn for cutting or etching, etc.



I’ll note that if you’re working in Inkscape, which I agree is a great free program, that simply importing the native SVG file directly is preferable to exporting first to DXF.

Also, note that you can do a copy operation from Inkscape and paste directly into LightBurn.

I am as much of a novice with Inkscape as I am with Lightburn. I really wish we lived in the MATRIX! "Operator! I need to learn Lightburn! " … (seconds pass) “I know the program!” :smiley:



You are right. I use Inkscape to trace images to import into DesignEdge and it will not accept SVG files.


The amount of functionality in Inkscape and LightBurn is astonishing. Would be hard to ever learn it all, even with the help of the Matrix.

I’m not familiar with DesignEdge but if it’s a CAD type program then DXF is going to be the typical interchange format in that case. SVG would be common among illustration programs like Inkscape, Illustrator, CorelDraw. I include LightBurn in that group since LightBurn adopts more of an illustration model for drawing.

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