Hi all im new to this etc just wondering how you make the cut deeper is it just a matter of lifting the laser up that bit more i have a veeworks just cheap starting off laser to make names and photos thanks
Docs in upper right-hand side is your friend. Also YouTube.
Your First Project - LightBurn Documentation (lightburnsoftware.com)
lightburn video tutorials - Search (bing.com)
There are hundreds of videos on-line that you are welcome to watch. Start with the tutorials and the basics.
I strongly encourage you to put aside the dream of photo etching, until you have a solid grasp of shape engraving. Photo engraving is the hardest single thing you can attempt with Lightburn, IMHO. Don’t start off in the deep end of the pool.
Your goals should be:
Get the laser to move
Get the laser to engrave simple lines - master this skill
Get the laser to FILL shapes - master this skill
Get the laser to cut out shapes - master this skill
Do all that before you even think about trying to get photos to emerge from your laser engraver.
Same speed, increase power, deeper engraving.
If it’s deep enough to go through, it’s then commonly referred to as a cut
You should listen to the other guys and read up… Photos are the most difficult to get right.
Good luck
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