How to attached brick shapes to a curved line

I am new to Lightburn and am shortly to purchase an AlgoLaser laser cutter. I intend to use it to create buildings for my model railway. However, before I go ahead I don’t understand how to do the following on a window. - see image. The bricks need to rotate around the top of the window shop.

Can someone explain how I should approach this?


True to form I forgot to attach the fimage so here it is.

I would make the arch as a single line, then create one brick and align it to the end of the arch. Convert brick to path, the nnode edit to squeeze the bottom edge of the box. Select box, the nshift select the arch and Click Arrange menu> Copy along path, rotate copies increase number of copise until satisfied. You will probably need to experiment several times with the brick shape to get it the way you want it. When satisfied you can delete the arch line.

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Thank you. I will give it a go.