I have a 10w laser on my corexy printer- Marlin.
My problem is how to ensure 0,0 is always at the same location / position?
I cannot press home button in movement tab, because then z also moves up to 3d printer z0 position.That needs to be z60 actually.
I have Z unchecked for manage positions.
My other problem is 0,0.how to get that in exactly the same position every time?
I have to manually move the head to the position as best I can in marlin GUI, then change over to TEXT marlin on the printer screen, then Lightburn will actually work.
When manually moving the head in Both Marlin Gui, and marlin text, the end stops are ignored, so it is always guess work.
Let me not start on Lightburn never finding my com port 6 unless I first activate it with GRBL.
Disconnect GRBL, then can connect with Lightburn.
But this is not one of my question, just venting.