I’m having trouble with the laser burning too much material away from small holes in material that requires multiple passes such as 1/8" plywood with my k40.
I want the laser to cut all features of a pass (or all layers, as I’ve separated each feature into a separate layer) before coming back for pass 2, 3, 4 etc. Instead the software seems to make it do all passes on a single small feature (3mm circle for example) back to back before moving on to a different hole.
How do I get the software to either delay between passes at that one layer or just cut all layers before moving on to a subsequent passes?
Here’s a brief video of the undesirable behavior. Notice the laser runs around that first hole several times before cutting the second hole.
The only thing I can think of is to only tell lightburn to do a single pass and then click “go” every few minutes to start subsequent passes. What a PITA, surely there is a better way.
i am uncertain if you can have 2 passes done individually unless you duplicate the feature, and atribute it to a new layer after the stack
However i would suggest that - unless your machine is 100% spot on - by doing multiple features before a 2nd pass you are opening yourself to a lot more reliability and precision errors.
Specially if the features are very spaced apart
@JohnJohn might clarify on the pass behaviour per layer, but i believe priority is
Layer settings (complete) > then next layer. So your request is imposing that layer 1 interrupts its job half way though .
I think maybe I haven’t described my problem well enough. I’d love for it to complete a whole single layer before moving on to a second pass on that same layer. Instead it seems to cut all passes of a feature on that layer before moving on to the rest of the features of that layer.
The only reason I have multiple layers is that I was trying to break things up to solve this problem.
It seems to me like it’s some kind of optimization being done, but I’ve tried toggling all the optimization features, and even disabling the main optimization toggle entirely.
I managed to get this project done by having only one pass and just clicking the “go” button again after it completes (15 times). I’ve had this problem before, and if there’s not some solution I’m missing then I guess I’ll do it the slow and manual way in the future. That seems to me like the kind of automation that CNC was invented to solve in the first place, so I’m hoping someone will know how to solve it.
so you wanted to … in a simplest ways, decide the order in which - each object (design) is finished even within the layer.
So lets supose. 3 squares.
1 inside of eachother.
3 passes
You want it to do 3 inside, 3 next one 3 next one outwardly direction
But all 3 squares being on ONE layer.
There are 3 levels of optimiation. Layer, Priority, and Group
(optimization menu is on laser panel)
I am certian you can within layer, give a priority number to each object using the …object propertie box (windows - object properties)
what i am uncertain of is if its a growing order where 0 is top priority or a decreasing one where 0 is last
P.S. also uncertain if the priority order assumes all passes are done on the object BEFORE going going to next priority object (unable to test at the moment to confirm sorrY)