how to configure 2 machines with different job source?

Who helps me to configure 2 co2 machines connected to 2 different PCs with different work sources? in the first use lightburn with lower left origin, in the second upper left. Putting the different check in the configuration on both computers I know. what I can’t do is open a file created in the first computer, then lower left, and execute it in the other PC (with work origin upper left) as the whole project appears upside down. is there any option to fix this? I also tried G10 L2 P1 X0 Y-880 and set $ 10 = 0. my usable space is 1230x880. I set the origin on top left but opening another project (created with bottom left) I see it mirrored and upside down. Thank you

The issue is that one machine is working in a quadrant different than the other. This will effect your image.

No fix I know of. Only if you can reconfigure one of them to the same quadrant.

Good luck


ho letto in qualche post di assistenza lightburn che impostando un offset del genere G10 L2 P1 X0 Y-880 portavo il quadrante nello spazio positivo, la x cresce a dx e y cresce in basso. poi imposto $10=0 e configuro l’origine in basso a sx. questo risolve il mio problema…ma il problema non è stato risolto. posso sempre aprire il file e ruotare di 180° per renderlo visibile ai miei occhi…

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