How to enable/disable the laser from the keyboard?

Hello everyone.
I have been using Lightburn for a couple of months and I built a keyboard to manage the laser directly from the box to view the frame or move it electronically.
I managed to find the commands for the movement, but I have difficulty turning the laser on and off as shown in the attached photo.
I did not find anything in the keyboard shortcuts list, under which heading is it located?
What is the command?
I use Macbook

Congratulations and welcome, glad you found Lightburn and this forum.
If you enable Show all in Console you can see the commands when you click FIRE M3 G1 F100 S5.1 ( Turn ON ) and when you click FIRE again S0 G0 M5 ( Turn OFF )


There is no hot key for the fire button.

We welcome suggestions for new features at - you aren’t alone in wanting a hotkey for the fire button, there are a few requests already. We use Fider to help us choose which features are most important for us to develop next.


Hi everyone, I apologize for the lack of research, actually I did it but I don’t speak English well and when I tried to do the search using the translator I didn’t find anything, that is, the “fire” key translates it differently.

Regarding the possible solution by extracting the console data, I could assign a macro for activation and deactivation, but from the searches carried out it seems that there is no way to recall them through a shortcut.

What I have to do is use a custom keyboard connected in parallel to the macbook which is far from the case in which the laser engraver is enclosed.

If this option is also not feasible, I just have to wait for a possible update for the laser focus key implemented in the shortcuts

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