How to export art gallery and file gallery to new computer

i have made material settings and art library for one of my computers and want to move all my settings to a new computer for my second laser and wonder how to do ?


  1. Old Computer: File->Export Prefs; then save to file
  2. New Computer: File->Import Prefs; then open previously saved file

Art Library

  1. Old Computer: Locate and copy all .lbart files
  2. New Computer: Place copies of .lbart files in the same folder as on old computer. Or use Load button in art library to load .lbart file

Material Library

  1. Old Computer: Locate and copy all .clb files
  2. New Computer: Place copies of .clb files in the same folder as on old computer. Or use Load button in Material library to load .clb file

I have a folder in my “Laser” folder called “Lightburn”. This is where I put all my ART LIBRARY and MATERIAL library files. It is so much easier to copy them onto a USB drive, google drive and then put them on the computer.

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