Hi Everyone. I’ve searched this topic but couldn’t find an answer for when I’m engraving from an SD card.
When I first start the engraving it frames around the piece with the laser on. The problem is that it moves too fast for me to align my piece. How would I slow down the framing when printing from an SD card?
I know if my laptop is connected then I can just reduce the speed under the Move tab, but it doesn’t have any effect when using an SD card.
I’m currently using the Creality Falcon Ender3 conversion kit (marlin firmware).
The frame continuously is a new feature in the latest version of lightburn. I have two different Ortur lasers that now will frame continuously on command.
Frame continuously would require active connection with Lightburn to receive the stop command. Can’t see how this would help while working from SD (LB disconnected).
I have no idea how framing is initiated or commanded when disconnected. Unless it’s somehow embedded in the g-code generated by LB (doesn’t seem likely), I don’t see how it could be slowed by Lightburn.
Assuming that’s correct, the only workaround I can think of would be to build a “dummy” pass into the job. Create a rubber band outline (arrange > create rubberband outline from selection) of the entire job and place it on its own layer with the desired speed/power/passes (slow and low) and ordered first.
Framing commanded by the controller is likely hard coded into the firmware. The speed and power could probably be altered, but it would require intimate knowledge of the Creality implementation. Possibly decompile, edit, recompile. Way outside my scope of knowledge.