How to increase temperature in chiller to optimal for laser tube in winter

hello all,
in winter, chiller CW5200 has low temnperature, 7°C., bcs of not heated room where is laser 80W. anybody with solution how to increaase water temperature in chiller to optimal temperature ? 16-18°C.

There are a few articles about using an aquarium heater inserted inside the tank of the 5200 through it’s fill neck… You’d have to google this and find the specifics.

I run about a 30% Propylene Glycol/water mixture… The charts claim it’s good down to about 15 F. It is ‘thick’ and will lower your ‘flow’ by at least 30%. It also has it’s share of bubbles when it’s pumped… I’ve been running it like this for almost 18 months.

Here’s a 25 second video of the bubbles
