How to make a delicate font work as a cake topper

Hi, I’m really sorry but I’m not sure which category to put this in.

I’m trying to make a cake topper out of acrylic. The customer wants a delicate font, something like Brittany signature but it keeps breaking as the font is so narrow. Is there a way of thickening it? I’ve tried making it bold but that doesn’t work. I’ve tried off setting it but not sure how that works as it just gives you the outline? I’ve only had my laser a few weeks so all new to this so apologise if I sound really dull!!

Offset is what you’re after. When you say “just gives you the ouline” do you mean it gives you the outline in addition to your current lettering? If so, just delete the original after doing the offset or use “Delete original objects” while doing the offset.

Hi, thanks for replying and for your help. Ive just tried that but its deleting the centre of some of the letters? Maybe im using the wrong font.

The internal portions disappear because as you do the offset, the internal spaces are intruded on by the outset portion. Basically the line gets so thick there’s no more room for internal space.

Either reduce the level of offset or try a different font.

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Great, thanks