Hello so i have a image that i took the circle tool and put a circle around it and that will be the cut line i wat to make another circle going inward i figured out how to do that but how do i make the inner circle thicker so its a burn and not like the cut line i mean thick thick
It is not entirely clear to me what you mean, a picture from the screen is always an advantage. But an option to draw a thicker line is to use the offset function.
If I understand what you’re wanting. Duplicate the cut line, assign the duplicate to a new layer then use the offset tool to create an inward offset the thickness you want. Make sure delete original is NOT checked. Then assign that layer to a fill layer. That should give you an engraved circle the thickness you desire. Move your outer cut layer to the bottom of the layers panel so it cuts last.
So i made a offset circle inward i want to make the inward circle more bold so it will engrave bold to be apart of the design or make it thicker
Yes a little less thick how did you do that
You make an extra ring with the offset tool and set it on the same layer as your initiers, the outermost is as intended as cutting layer.
So im still doing something wrong the 3 photos is what I’m getting when i try to do what you said I’m not that dumb but could you walk me through it a little more in depth because I’m not getting it
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