I cannot figure out how to pinpoint the laser onto my project. Since the laser head is 2-1/2" square I cannot see exactly where the burn is going to start. This is critical when burning very small projects. I have searched and read everywhere and found nothing.
I am just learning LB and don’t know what to do next. I am using an Atom Stack S10 Pro 10w laser. I also do not know what software (GRBL?) or firmware it uses (maybe someone can help me with that also). I have the current ver of LB and running on Dell Inspiron laptop with window 10.
You can also use the laser as a pointer itself. WARNING! Wear protective eyeware and exercise caution.
Enable the Fire button in the Move window after setting the power to 0.25%. When you Jog around, click the Fire to see exactly where the laser is pointing. Be sure it is turned off when done.
My bad Hal, I did not notice you were a new poster.
To start a new topic, you can get there from this window. On the left, click on Topics with the green dot beside it. Then look for + New Topics on the right side at the top.