How to reorder lightburn software

how do i reorder the lightburn software,my 1 year is up
lightburn will not let me use it today

According to my server your license doesn’t expire until Aug 17. I’m working on the renewals process now - it’ll be up relatively soon, and in the meantime, the software you have will keep working past the license expiry date, you just won’t be able to install newer versions.

Will there be any notification when it’s up, or do lazy people like me just need to come back from time to time. :slight_smile:

Typically we post on our Facebook page for new releases and other announcements such as this one.

They are also in #announcements here.

The actual announcements are written in the web store blog here, and then links to those are put on fb and the announcements section:

So, follow LightBurn on Facebook, or, in the #announcements section of the forum, you can set your preference to “Watching First Post” - I think that will do what you want.

Thanks, but I have become a Facebook resister. I think they are damaging democracy (among other evils). I’ll go with watching the announcements. :slight_smile:
Great software! The kids I work with kinda panicked at the “license expired” notification. I did say that it only means we won’t get the next update until we pay up. :slight_smile:

Good man. I got off it for personal use, but got sucked back in and currently monitor many laser and 3D Printing groups on there. Along the way, Messenger grew on me. It’s smoother and more featured than Google Hangouts. My profile is literally locked down with no friends, just there for the groups and messenger.


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