How to reset the X,Y, and X Limits

How do you reset the limits for the X,Y & Z? I installed OpenBuilds Control software this morning. Whlie in OpenBuilds and I jog the laser the laser position on the screen changes but the laser does not move. In the Troubleshooting it shows all 3 axis’s are triggered. When I went back to LightBurn the laser will also not move. If I press Start the laser will turn on but no movement. I have restarted the laptop several times but with no joy. :face_exhaling: :rage:

Where exactly are you seeing this? Can you take a screenshot?

Also, is your machine homing properly?

Can you run these commands in Console and return the full output?


The first $H command will home the machine so be prepared for it.

#H did not home the laser.

OpenBuilds Troubleshooting











































































































































Did you also run the $# and ? commands? I don’t see their output.

I’m going to assume for the moment that the status command will reflect what you see in screenshot.

Since the machine didn’t home I assume what’s going on is that the limit switch “Triggered” is indeed what the controller is experiencing.

What’s the history of this machine? Was is previously working correctly?

Since the controller believes that the switches are triggered it’s neither allowing homing or movement. Check that there’s nothing in fact actuating the switches. Double check wiring. If this is a new machine or new switches, did you confirm these are the right switches for your machine?

#H did not home the laser.

Did you use # or $ to home?

$5 looks weird. It should be either 0 or 1. Try both and check which of those remove the triggered-warning (this setting inverts the limit switch logic).

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Ran $H, typo on that reply

Is this what you wanted? Ran ? several times. What should the response be? It ran good until this morning before I installed OpenBuilds Control.
















Then it’s likely that @misken’s solution will work. I’m guessing that the software changed the GRBL configuration.

I won’t be able to go through GRBL looking for a change until Thursday morning. Hopefully I’ll find something if not I will be back asking more questions!

Great. Shouldn’t be much searching. $5 at either 0 or 1 should resolve the issue.

Well, I’m back! Changing $5 didn’t work but left set to 0. I downloaded the default GRBL settings for my Ortur LM3 and found numerous different settings. Should they all be set back to default, or maybe only some? In the list below the default settings are first and what is set at the present are second.
$0=5 10
$1=100 250
$10=2047 511
$11=0.05 0.010
$20=1 0
$23=7 3
$24=600 100
$25=800 1000
$26=100 250
$27=1 5.0
$40-1 0
$100=100 199.10
$101=100 199.10
$102=100 199.10
$110=20040 2500
$111=20040 2500
$112=600 2500
$120=2000 150.0
$121=1800 150.0
$122=200 150.0
$130=400 1000.0
$131=400 1000.0
$622=111 127

Thanks all, Duane

Unless you had very specific reasons for changing the settings I’d suggest you switch back to defaults. Didn’t realize this was for an OLM3.

This can be done easily by issuing $RST=* which is safe on Ortur models.

Sorry, guess I did forget to say this was on my OLM3. I will change the settings today and keep my fingers crossed. I will post the result hopefully today.

What does $RST=* do? Type it in first?

It resets all firmware values to the default values that are stored inside the firmware. Basically, a factory reset of the laser. The command is sent via command line. It doesn’t affect any setting in LightBurn.

Thanks, Melvin. I’ll put that in then start updating some of the GRBL settings.

Are you updating these for a specific purpose?

Yes. I had downloaded OpenBuilds Control and somehow my laser stopped working. No movement in any direction and it will not home. I downloaded the Ortur LM3 default GRBL settings which showed some different settings. Hoping by changing them the laser will start working. If you would please scroll up a few posts, I posted the ones that are different.

I was asking a slightly different question.

$RST=* will automatically revert your settings to the listed defaults from Ortur. It sounded like you wanted to change additional settings after that. Was curious why you wanted to change additional settings beyond default.