How do I turn on laser beam at low power so I can set the laser on the spot where I want it to start cuting?
Edit → Device settings
Enable fire button
Enable fire mode on frame
Then go to MOVE pannel - in front of fire button put 1% (or your desired value)
Thanks That Worked, but I cant find the Enable fire mode on frame. I s there a way to make the Fire button stay on longer?
Thanks for your help.
Will depend on your version of Lightburn
On latest
on earlier versions
Hold SHIFT + Press Frame
You should be on latest though
Which Enjoy Wood do you own? They make a 10.64nm combo machine.
I have the E20
This was great, thank you very much.
So how do you keep the laser on using the fire button so you can focus the beam? I can get it to frame with the laser on but it won’t stay on when I press the fire button.
I’m trying to figure that out myself.
Once you set up everything. And you want to have the dot on at low power
move pannel - Click Fire button
Once done. Click fire button again
(Some machines firmware will limit this to 30 or 60 seconds)
It stays on for about 5 seconds and then stops…
I am running Marlin with an A40640 on an MPCNC…?
this goes a bit outside what i know.
Someone else with marlin experience might lay a hand
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