I am cutting acrylic 16th inch thick. I can't get it to cut?

What settings do I need to set it to cut?

If you’re laser is functioning it should cut that like butter.

Is it drawing the proper amount of current when it fires?

If so, then it has to be an optical path issue. Ensure all is clean and mechanically tight. Including all associated hardware on the head…

Then you need to check the alignment and finally focus…

You don’t really give us much of an idea of your machine…

I don’t remember, off hand what I cut 3mm acrylic at, I think it’s 11mm/s @ 80% on my 50 watt.

1/16th inch is about 1.5mm…

You have some kind of issue…

You can send a ‘line’ to the Ruida and use it to cut at various speed/power levels to find the right speed and power. Change the speed or power from the Ruida console. You will have to do something similar anyway.


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