My first project turned out fantastic; however, on my second and third projects, I have clean cut marks in throughout my engraved burns. How do I get rid of the cut marks?
Impossible to answer. No enough information to even make a guess.
While engraving a design in wood, I am getting random cut marks that are not part of the design. My minimum power was set at 15% and my maximum power was set at 20% on my project. These random, clean cut marks have occurred horizontally throughout my design. These cuts are decreasing the quality of the project.
Link does no work…
Those look ominously like a failing HV power supply losing track of its Enable
input from the controller.
The engraved area also shows where the laser is not reaching full power: single lines standing proud of their surroundings, as though the laser tube was not firing at the correct power along that one scan line.
There is no LightBurn setting “controlling” or “causing” that problem, because the failure happens inside the hardware.
Replacing the power supply may cure the problem and, as HV supplies are reasonably easy to replace, the worst case would be you’ve eliminated one obvious cause and have a spare supply on the shelf.
That is truly discouraging to hear. It’s a new machine, and I’ve only used it four times.
can you upload your Lightburn file that’s causing a problem?
Welcome Flag DeerSVG FILE.lbrn2 (232.3 KB)
Hellerich.lbrn2 (262.6 KB)
Both of these files produced work with the horizontal cuts along with the burn
I couldn’t see anything in the files out of the ordinary.
Alas, if you poke around here a bit, you’ll discover “new” and “defective” are not mutually exclusive adjectives.
Now is the time to start the warranty dance with OMTech. They’ll ask you to perform a number of tests, including running the same design with RDWorks because, obviously, LightBurn is doing it wrong.
It’s entirely possible I’m mistaken and their tests will reveal another cause.
Assuming I’m right, the power supply will surely behave differently at different power levels, so having it work correctly (“not fail”) on a different test will not be conclusive. Try running Material Tests
on something cheap, like cardboard, to find the power range over which it fails.
You can cross- / sanity-check your results here, as folks have a wealth of experience with such problems.
Good hunting …
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