I can't close this shape and its driving me bonkers

I’m trying to connect the barn and tree outline to the oval to create a closed shape. I’ve edited nodes and tried auto joining. The boolean operations are greyed out. I know I’m missing something. To clarify I I’d like to end up with a closed shape that incorporates the barn trees and bottom part of the oval
Screenshot (110)

southridgeoval.lbrn2 (1.2 MB)

southridgeoval_ru.lbrn2 (1.6 MB)

Thanks! Can you share how you did that?

I cheated…did it in CorelDraw :slight_smile:

lol. Well I appreciate the extra effort. :metal:

  1. Make a duplicate of the oval shape and move out of the way for safe keeping.
  2. Using Node Edit, make sure that the two nodes at the ends of the backdrop design snap to the oval boundary
  3. Select the oval shape using Node Edit tool, make sure that the backdrop is not selected
  4. Hover over the intersection point of the backdrop shape and oval, use I to insert a node at the intersection.
  5. While still in Node Edit, use D to remove the adjacent line segment outside the desired closed shape
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other end of the design
  7. Select bottom curve of oval and add the backdrop shape, then Edit->Auto-join selected shapes. This should leave you with a closed shape.
  8. Reposition duplicated oval shape from step 0
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Okay, that got it. I think the missing element was adding nodes at the intersection points. Thanks for the direction.

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