I cant engrave pictures

I cant get a picture to engrave using lightburn. It tells me that my machine has not enough extended space. The machine is new , Can someone tell me if I am not setting up my file correctly and what settings are easier to work with? File is 7inches by 9 inches. I appreciate the help

Welcome. We get asked this a lot. So much so that it is the first listing under Troubleshooting in our docs. :wink:

Not enough extend space

  • Your artwork is too close to the side of the machine for the speed you are running it at - the machine does not have enough room off the sides of the design to speed up / slow down. Move the design inward, away from the sides, or go slower.

And via search here on the forum:

All worth review. Do let us know if you are not producing what you’d expect after these adjustments.

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