I got purple instead of black

I think you should run it with your black values and vary the interval… if you look at the dog tag I posted, you’ll see the effect of that minor change. @Texaswoodcnc changes his interval on his dog tags.

You are mentally locked into the speed/power game of a co2/dpssl laser… these work differently.

You can vary speed and interval or power and interval… With an M7 we also have the Q-pulse duration. The q-pulse on all of the dog tag was 8nS, you can’t do that with your machine.

I got a JPT source manual for mine, from Russ Sadler, he happened to be helping someone with the same machine and got it from Cloud Ray. I think it helps to read over these and know what the machine is capable of doing. I’d contact the sales person and ask for a copy of it and the galvo head they used… Really, what can they say?

@Texaswoodcnc also posted his dog tags and he is varying the interval also. The q-pulse he’s using is probably close to your pulse duration. I figure the conversion with a Raycus as a 150nS pulse width… I suspect a JPT Q-switch is probably pretty close.

When you were asking about purchasing a machine, I (we) asked/suggested to you multiple times about getting a machine lacking all these adjustments… and specifically that there was limited ability to do color type work.

You constantly poo-poo’d the idea… now you are hot to trot for that very thing, but I’m afraid you made your bed and will have to sleep in it. :crying_cat_face:

I think you had enough people advise a more flexible machine.

I think the people that sold it to you should have advised you of the difference in costs and abilities… we did for abilities, anyway.

Seems like it always ends up being money, so I can’t fault you there… from that point of view.

However you have to understand the limitation… and this is probably one of them… remember you saved a few grand, probably… :thinking:

It is great you have a fiber, so hallelujah on that.

Maybe you can dazzle us with your cleverness and get it to work to some degree. :wink: I think that’s possible.

Good luck… we’re watching


Thanks Jack. Oh trust me. I remember all the suggestions prior to me buying what I have. It is all good on this end. If I can’t? So be it.

I’m tickled that I can mark Deep Black on SS Tumblers without having to spray them first. That’s a bonus in my book. I’ll sleep fine tonight knowing I can’t get those colors.

What started all this, was me getting purple on a SS Pendant. That surprised me.
I don’t even know what settings it was. It was a nice mistake.

Trust me, there are worst things to worry about than not being able to get different colors on SS Tumbs

Peace. Gump in Tn.

You can get some colors I understand… but the range is very limited…

Did you try varying the interval? You will be surprised…

Good luck


Lookie Lookie what I found.

Jack, you were spot on as usual. I got these by tweaking with LPI. Now I have to do some more testing to create a journal of what settings give’s me what colors.



It’s not only speeds and feeds with fiber machines…

These number probably won’t work with different stainless or with a change in thickness… keep that in mind. Always have to test…

Glad you got some success…

Have fun…


Yeah, totally makes sense about different types of SS and thicknesses…

Kind of weird seeing the colors to be honest. In a good way.

I started with a journal, quickly decided to put the parameters on the test piece as part of the test. Easier.

Exactly where I was heading… :slight_smile:

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When you think you have a handle on it, take it a bit out of focus:wink:

Now the deposited/transferred amount of heat… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Different results but a much faster job… less scan lines… :grimacing:


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