I have a new Ruida sd6445s controller and a 100 watt tube

Ruida ma ampmeter overrides Lightburn program commands.
Note. Just installed a new Ruida SD6445s controller, new 100 watt tube, with new power supply for tube. Every thing works fairly well through the Ruida controller. But ampmeter seems to be able to override all program power settings.

Please explain how you have determined this. What are you experiencing / observing that drives this conclusion. Help us ‘see’ what you see and how you have tested this posit.

I might also suggest testing this concept with RDWorks to confirm the results you are seeing are the same.

Let me interject here… for a moment.

@ednisley and I have discussed this - ad nauseam, as in what happens when you plug one of these mA power control meters into the RJ45 connector on the lps…

It appears this is just a pot on the IN input, so adjusting this changes the whole range of the pwm. It’s only able to adjust it down, compressing the pwm or voltage range… You can never get full current out of the lps if this isn’t all the way up.

This limits the current control voltage to <5V

With this level of machine, I see no need to do this… not to mention it pretty much screws up any data you have for speed/power settings for materials.

I trust Ed’s results and it seems to fit the issues we see, so I’m pretty confident in his conclusions.

There is nothing Lightburn or any software can do about this as this is a hardware change … to be more clear, it’s after the controller at the lps end of things.

Might be something worth while to add to the current documentation… somewhere …

If this isn’t the setup, please excuse my intrusion …
