I have had revert back from v7 to last release of 6

I ran a multilayer project (see attached). In version 7 (The latest release as of the date of writing) failed to complete the run - and appeared to pause before the last layer was run. Hanging with the timer still counting up.

I reverted to the last version of 6, opened the same file and all layers ran as expected.

The layer in the image is the one that did not run.

Is this a known bug in v7?


If you post the file here, the gathered minds have a much better chance of solving your problem. Without the file and photos of the results you are getting, we are left with just our imaginations and your interpretation of the results to work with.

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Sure, only the first layer ran in V7; all layers ran in v6
In the image below, only the first layer ran in V7, while all layers ran in V6. The “leaf” associated with the last layer failed to run in V7 and is highlighted in green.

Poppy Line Work 006 MASTER_L.lbrn2 (137.0 KB)

I just ran your file with no problems. I did turn the number of passes down from 40 to 4 on each layer.

Well, thank you for trying. I am none the wiser, though. I have run it four times on V7, and it stops after the first run. I have done it twice on V6, and there have been no problems. I think I will stay on V6.

I’ll run it again with no modifications and see what happens.

I just ran the file completely on It finished just fine. The image took forever and I thought it stalled. It just had 128 passes to do.

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Thank you all for testing.

I will try a reload of v7 and try again

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