I’m assuming this isn’t good

First cut on a used machine that had been sitting for a year or so. Immediately heard popping from tube area so shut down and found this.

Did you have water flow when this occurred? I’ve seen some successful repairs done for cracks on the water inlet but never for the anode entry point. Even if the tube could be physically repaired I’d not trust it for safety personally.

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…I have successfully repaired the water inlet of a turbe but will never try to repair damage to the anode entry, it also looks very corroded…
I hope the machine was cheap.

The “insulation” around that lead looks a lot like transparent silicone tape wrapped around the wire’s original (and strangely dirty) molded high-voltage insulation. Unless the original owners had access to the good stuff, consumer-grade silicone tape is not rated for the high voltages found in lasers.

While it was a nice gesture, IMO you should replace the power supply along with the tube.

Yep, had good water flow , never seen one do this. Now to find quality replacement. I wish there was a supplier close that I didn’t have to rely on shipping. The FED-UPS don’t understand handle with care.