I,m your Huckleberry

I,m your Huckleberry

2.5 watt Eleksmaker

LightBurn Greyscale (50% success rate LOL)

1200 mm/min 40% power

Whitewashed Maple


AWESOME again.
Why 50% success rate? This is your second attempt?

LOL…numerous attempts…Greyscale is voodoo…and requires a lot of manipulation…AND as soon as you change wood …all settings out the door…Alder is Very good and responds very nice to power variances…But is $$$$
was done on alder greyscale…


Well the result is great!

Inspired by your work: Tomorrow I receive a pile of white tiles… so I have to experiment with european white paint! Good luck to me.
(I will try not to curse you if things don’t work out on the second try… but can’t promise I won’t after the 30th try :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)