I never got the popup for scanning for my engraver and can't get connected

I’ve looked through videos and support questions. I can’t get connected or find the route to get connected to the Longer Ray5 10W

What do I open to find devices even? I’m actually using windows 11. Don’t know if that makes any difference. I am brand new to this. I was trying to get set up to start doing burn tests.

Click devices. Try find my laser. If that doesn’t work use create manually and use GRBL.

Should be on the main screen.

Now it just keeps saying “waiting for connection”

Left click, not right.

Can you show us the laser window.

I found a feed about doing it manually and used GRBL-M3 1.1 or earlier. Finally connected. almost started a small fire doing a test grid. LOL. Did my company logo with some success. Now to play with it and work out detail. Thanks for everything.

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Why did you use GRBL-M3? I doubt you have an old version of GRBL.

I never could get a connection using the other. What would you suggest. I’m sure I am missing something. I hope to incorporate this into my second business and add on monogram glassed and custome artwork for weddings. I bought a Longer Ray5 10 watt to start on.

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