I’ve been posting in every forum with no help. I really like lightburn software but if you need help you just post on here and cross your fingers?? I don’t know gcode and my machine quit homing correctly right after I moved it with my hand. Now lightburn when I got home thinks the laser head is somewhere else. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled lightburn reset everything I know how. I have mechanical limit switches. When I use the console to move the head to the upper left corner the coordinates are negative. Not sure if this is the issue? After I run a job and hit home it just goes straight up and does the little homing movement. If it’s mecanical I’ll just buy a new one but I’m afraid if I put the cohesion board in a new machine it’s going to have some kind of memory and have the same issue. I moved the laser head by hand and it hasn’t homed since. It worked perfectly prior to that. If anyone can please help me. I’m doing a big job and need my laser. Thank you all very much in advance.
Are you saying the position shown in the photo are the coordinates immediately after homing? Did you actively push the “Get Position” button? If not, can you do so immediately after homing and report position?
Do you recall what your position was earlier when it was working correctly?
Have you recently made any changes to your config.txt file? Can you post that here?
When the machine homes, does it move the same way as it always has? Does it first hit the limit switch on one axis, stop in that direction, and continue to the next limit switch, once hit, the head backs away a bit and then reactivates both switches, then backs away again to a final resting position?
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