Illustrator import - colour anomaly - T1 & T2 messing things up

hi all

I’m having an issue importing illustrator files that use the T1 and T2 colours. If I don’t include T1 and T2 colours in the Illustrator file everything works a treat, all colours mapping perfectly, but if the illustrator file uses those colours they get mapped wrong and also mess with how the C05 and C14 colours are mapped.

as follows:

T1 maps to C05
T2 maps to C14
both C05 and C14 are mapped to C29

any idea why this would be happening? Do I just have to avoid the T1 and T2 colours? that would be a shame, I kind of like them.


Could it potentially be the colour mode of your illustrator file?

If you are working in CMYK and Lightburn is looking for RGB values (or vice versa) then there would have to be a conversion between the 2 colour spaces, and that conversion may not be giving you the final colour you intended?

good suggestion but no, I’m definitely in RGB and all the colours work perfectly as long as I don’t try to use T1 or T2…

Are you sure you’re assigning the correct colours to your layers? LB will map colours to the nearest layer colour but if it has already assigned certain entities to a particular layer and it comes across further entities with a similar colour it will map these to a different layer (which could potentially be of a quite different colour).

Are you using the colour palette available here?

You also need to have turned on the “Allow importing to Tool Layers” option.

Hope this helps.

Marcus, Amazing!

it was indeed the ‘Allow importing of Tool Layers’ switch… now turned on and everything working like a charm!

Thank you!


I’m pleased that worked. Don’t forget to mark my post as the solution as it can help others in the future.

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