I'm not sure which way to go

I’ve made inquiry to Cloudray as well. Emily from Cloudray sent me this.

Now our SALE price: It is $3350 for 30W JPT fiber laser shipped.
It is $3950 for 50W JPT fiber laser shipped
Both including one rotary and two lenses!

About fiber laser: laser source is the heart of the whole machine. About laser source brand: JPT>Raycus>Max

What are your thoughts Tex and Jack, or anyone else. I like that I can get the rotary as well.

I ended up buying the Omtech 60W. That’s a damn good price and I’ve heard a lot of good about Cloudray. Ultimately, it depends on your budget. There’s no disadvantage to going with the 50W over the 30W that I’ve found aside from price. I think both will be great for what you’re doing. I went 60W simple because I wanted more speed and I’m planning on deep engraves for suppressors, doing serial numbers but I tend to overkill everything. I probably should have gone with a Stinger I but I’m glad I have the III. :slight_smile:

You know it’s like when you ask a person. Ford or Chevy. I know both will get me back to work and back. Both have radios, etc… But when it comes to the engine and those details, one “might” be worth the extra money over the other.

I do remember seeing a video about the laser source from Laser Everything. He talked about JPT, Raycus, etc… I’ll have to look at that again.

I don’t want to get deep in the weeds on it, because it will just confuse me. It’s always about how much $$$$ you have to blow. Isn’t it?

I found it…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7tknUioLwY&t=465s

Especially noted at marker 7:31

IMHO, I’d go for a lower wattage source with the ability to do annealing.

You can mark anything metal with an annealing process and it doesn’t change or damage the metal. This is used for surgical instruments as it doesn’t leave any areas that can have deposits.

The Raycus is not the most dependable as you can see in the video. A lot of what I do can’t be done on the machine you are intending to purchase.

A 30W will take longer, but will do as good a job in the end.

I think a good trade would be to spend a bit more in control ability and lose the higher wattage.

Almost all the posted photo in this thread are annealing not engraving.


Hi Jack. So 30w over the 50? Meaning 30w is lower than 50w. Right? I don’t want to just throw money out there cuz I can to a point. I like that I can get 2 lenses and a rotary in this package from them.

Remember. I’m really just trying to increase efficiency in tumblers, keychains, and possibly cork [snicker-snicker], and have some type of backup machine if my CO2 decides to take hike off the cliff.

If I can engrave metal and open another revenue stream, then that’s just gravy for me in my mind.

Thanks man.

Classic example. I’ve got 4 square coasters in a jig, and the fastest I can mark and keep the quality is 10 minutes. I’ve changed settings in the layer under grouping, and one was 14 minutes, one was 29, and the fastest is 10 minutes…

30W may take a number of extra passes. I think the tradeoff would make you more happy in the end.

I’m just suggesting that you might want to anneal metal with a black mark for knives, can openers, tools and many other things.

This is one of the brass coins from Amazon, I lased the area around the cat, but did an annealing to make it black… can’t anneal then doing this probably won’t be possible…

It’s your money, I’m just trying to pass what I have learned… Main reason I got the JPT M7 model, was annealing without having to damage the material… My knives are marked… need to anneal to avoid damaging the knife…

I sincerely doubt that a 30W wouldn’t be as fast as a 50W for tumblers. You can anneal stainless tumblers without coatings… more types you can use/sell

You can theoretically do plastic mugs/cups with the jpt, like the plastic magazines for firearms.

Touch choices…

Good luck


It’s all good Jack. The more info the better.

BTW Jack and others… They offer 2 lenses in the deal. If I have “any” leverage, what lenses would you recommend. Especially for tumblers. 300mm? I’m not sure how tall the tower is. Maybe 500mm. Got to get the specs to see exactly what I’m going to get.

Have a good one.

Lens size is not coverage size… my F420mm is for 300x300mm coverage. My F100mm is 70x70mm. Need to be specific… I tend to use the manufacturers numbers… F420mm for the 300x300mm coverage.

My column is about 80cm… if you’re going to get a F420 for 300x300mm coverage, it has to come with a relatively tall column. Make sure to check… My F420 is about half way up… Haven’t tried my Piburn on it yet…

Figure out what size you need to cover and pick the 2nd lens for that.

A little larger is better… the longer the lens the more power you will need and the larger the dot…

You’ll find coverage when you shop for lenses…

Good luck


Ahhhhh. Thanks!

The two lenses for the cloudray unit will be 110mm and 200mm along with a free rotary. 50w for 3900.00.

3350 for the 30w.

Going off now to watch some more vids on the subject. Mr Webb’s video’s :wink:

I went with 175mm and 300mm. I have no clue if that was the right choice at this point, only used the 175 so far. :slight_smile:

I would recommend a CO2 galvo style laser with a rotary attachment. The engraving speed of the galvo lasers are much faster than the gantry style laser. CO2 in this situation is will be much more productive that a Fiber laser.

He’s got a gantry co2, so he could not increase the types of materials he can operate on…

It won’t do metal, anodized is ok, but with the fiber he can mark stainless without any extra costs… along with many of the other things…

I can’t see spending money on another of the same types just because it’s faster… why would he even keep the gantry if he has a co2 galvo…


Hello all.

Dav, I’m basically looking for two things. A backup solution to anodized aluminum, slate coasters, and tumblers. Plus improved efficiency with my time while in the shack.

Yeah, I’m not going to put money in on another CO2. Longer life with Fiber, Engraving metal a plus.

Probably going to order one really soon. Still trying to educate myself on the pro’s and con’s. I figure I’m over thinking it, but 4K is a chuck of coin.

I feel it… mine was just under $7k… figured it’s my last harrah for these things…

I’d serious suggest looking at one that allows you to control a wider range of frequencies and pulse widths.


If I’m not mistaken, and good chance I am, I believe JPT source has a broader freq range than Raycus, per Laser Everything Video Guy.

To be honest starting out last year, I never even thought about a 2nd machine, but I’m paranoid about not having a backup. It may take me 6 months to figure out how to use the freak’n thing.

I figure Speed, Pwr, and Frequency is all I have to worry about. Tiff Tiff… :wink:

Yep… some of the jpt sources have limitations also. The most versatile is the M7, I believe…


Thanks Jack. I’ll make sure I ask Emily from BWM.

My understanding was from a production point of view. I thought, because of the volume, he was just looking for a faster means of printing.

Don’t apologize, we want your input…


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No apologies david. I soak all this up…