It states that it is “waiting for connection, error 7, eeprom read failure, reset and restore to default valves.” What does mean and how do I fix it. Help. I’m very new at this.
I would say uninstall and reinstall, but reset your PC first.
Which OS are you using on your computer? Did you install the software that comes with this laser? You may need to install a driver for your setup. Have you followed the instructions provided with this Atomstack? How did that go? Have you had success with their procedure?
The more detail you can provide, the better, as we are not there to observe what you are experiencing.
Thanks for getting back to me. First let me tell you about my expertise. It took me almost for hours to find out me the laser didn’t even turn on. It was a lose connection.
I’m using a windows 10, it’s several years old. There was no software that came with the laser. just a booklet on how to put it to together. There is one page on software installation of the LaserGRBL and Lightburn for a MAC. I downloaded Lightburn 1.1.03 from the web. I follow the instructions as well as I know. I use the auto installation, but always get stuck at the error code: 7. Thanks for your help, Marty
You can test your setup by installing LaserGRBL to see if you can connect and get a similar error presented. I suspect you have a hardware issue requiring support directly from Atomstack.
Additionally, this is worth a review if you haven’t already. First Time Setup - LightBurn Software Documentation
Thanks, I’ll give a try.
Thanks ever so much