Image engraving with "Fill groups together" makes it twice go through

  1. Drop one image to a layer. Layer is set to “Image” mode.
  2. Double click on the layer to go to Cut settings Editor window.
  3. Here you can choose from 3 Fill type.
  • Fill all shapes at once (A)
  • Fill groups together (B)
  • Fill shapes individually (C)

If you set it to “Fill shapes at once” and press the preview button then everything works fine, but if you choose (B) or (C) then the preview window will do it twice. Once 0% scan angle and second a 90% scan angle.
If I put a line or filled text on the same layer than the text will work normally. Only bad with images.


So my question is it intended to work like this with images?

EDIT: (2024.02.11 - 13:14 CET)
If I set “Pass-Through” for an image then it will do this twice engraving as above :frowning:

I can’t reproduce your results. Can you upload the .lbrn file for review?

Here it is. I have attached the preview window images inside this project file.

I have tried with several Devices but all working the same way. :frowning:

DoubleEngraving.lbrn2 (170,8 kB)

I don’t know how but somehow the image layers had a hidden “crosshatch” enabled for them when crosshatch should not even be a selectable option for images. Depending on your settings in LightBurn, once this occurs it may be quite difficult to remove.

I’ve manually removed the crosshatch by editing the .lbrn file directly. This should resolve the issue although it’s possible some of your other image layers may have the same problem.

DoubleEngraving.lbrn2 (170.8 KB)

The IMAGE is not an object. You need to trace the image to make it an object.

Thank you.
My main problem is that after a new Lightburn project start the default is this crosshatched image.
Can I somehow make default to this crossHatch off for images so my next Lightburn startup shall be OK again?

Once you load the modified file that should no longer be the case. Is that not happening?

If not, then open the modified file and then set “Make default” so that the single layer is corrected. You could also do “Make default for all” to affect all image layers I believe.

Thank you, I see it is working now.

(Just was a long engraving on the machine so I could just now closed the old project and open yours.)

Solution from project file:

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