Image Flipped 90 Degrees

Sorry if this isn’t the right spot for this but I’m at a complete loss. My laser was working fine, then I installed home switches and updated the firmware. These work by all accounts.

However, now when i try to burn something using Lightburn, the design resolves in the opposite quadrant and at 90 degrees of what it should be.

Ex: I attempt to burn a 4x10 rectangle into the upper left corner. When I actually run the job it burns it as a 10x4 rectangle in the bottom right corner. My origin is still bottom left and is set appropriately in all areas within lightburn.

I thought maybe I’d mixed up my wiring when adding the new harness for the limit switches but I’ve tried every possible configuration and none of them work correctly.

Please help.

This is the design as I set it up in lightburn

This is the design as it actually prints. (sideways, and wrong quadrant)

Your machine is likely in a different coordinate system than you think.

Some questions:

  1. What machine is this for?
  2. To what corner does your machine home?
  3. To what corner have you set your machine origin in Device Settings
  4. Can you run these commands in Console and return the full output?

First off, thank you!

Longer Ray5 10w
Bottom left
Bottom left







Target buffer size found

[MSG:Using machine:MKS DLC32]

[MSG:Mode=STA:SSID=:Status=Not connected:IP=]








































































I don’t see anything obviously wrong in the setup.

Can you confirm if your jogging controls work correctly?

As in left moves left, right moves right, up moves up, and down moves down?

Did everything work correctly prior to adding the limit switches?

For what reason did you update the firmware?

You are the best!

Your jogging question led me down a rabbit hole that ended in a fix. I realized it was also jogging backwards as well. Turns out I had double reversed both the limit inputs as well as the x/y motor control.

Got everything wired in correctly and we’re good to go now. Thank you again,

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