The new image mask tool is excellent, and I use it all the time when testing photos so that I’m only running the important bits like faces, which really speeds things up. However, I shaped the frame into a heart, to crop my image, and when it was simply applied it was working great, but when I flattened to image to make the framing permanent, it distorted the image badly. Thank goodness for “undo”! Has anyone else experienced this?
Can you please provide a screenshot of what it’s doing? Hard for me to diagnose what might be going on otherwise.
Also, what would be helpful is for you to send us a project file in the state where the image has been cropped/masked, but not flattened. If the forum won’t let you upload directly here please email it to support [at] lightburnsoftware [dot] com
Also, note: you do not really ever need to flatten an image mask. We added that because it seemed like a reasonable thing to have but functionally there’s no need to. So if you were waiting to run the laser job, just don’t flatten it yet.
Ruby Jean Shepard, girl and baby photo.lbrn (867.9 KB)
Here’s the file, as you can see I made the frame tool layer into an heart shape. I did go ahead and run the file without flattening it, and it was fine… I agree flattening is not really a necessary step in this case. I just didn’t want to risk something getting inadvertently changed or moved.
Interesting. I can, in fact, replicate the issue - but so far only with your file. I cannot replicate it on my own.
I’m looking into it.
@AtlanticLaserWorks trying to confirm a suspicion, is there any chance you could upload the original image file here?
Not as an embedded image in the post but as an attachment?
If if doesn’t let you attach as a file, please just email to the support email listed above.
I still cannot reproduce it with anything other than your project file, so I’d like to try and start from scratch with the original image file.
@LightBurn and I were able to sort it out. Thank you for your patience and assistance.
It is in fact a bug and caused by using the Gamma, Contrast, or Brightness settings on the image.
For now I recommend just not using the flatten feature. We will have the fix in the next bugfix release.
… and the next release with said fix should be in a day or two. We’ve been sitting on it just to make sure it’s “clean”, but I think we’re going to drop shortly.
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