Image not lining up

Im sorry. I need help again. My laser has gone crazy.
Any idea why this is happening?

There’s a loose setscrew / pulley / wheel / belt / widget in the X drive train, somewhere between the motor shaft and the laser head. Inspect everything, suspect all the pieces, move things by hand & feel for anything loose.

Whatever you know can’t possibly be the problem (so you don’t have to check it) will be the problem. :grin:

I suggest you take a picture of your drive pulley and another of your belt and send it to Neje. It is possible the pulley and the belt have different tooth spacing. They have sent out incompatible belts and pulleys before. Neje has good customer service.

Ooooh! Good catch:

That wouldn’t explain why the machine suddenly started misbehaving, but it would certainly make any other problem much worse.

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