Image shifting in certain spots

Hey guys,
So I am having an issue with the text and images shifting in specific locations on my engraving.

I have checked the rails for debris and I have moved the origin to multiple spots on the bed. Still this happens in the same spot every time.The weird thing is that I ran a test print first, and it worked perfectly, put the blank in and this started happening. I then ran it on cardboard in all the other origins, and it still continued in the exact same area of the engraving. I checked that everything was tight and cleaned the lens for good measure… still nothing.
Running Windows 11
Idle speed is 200
min acceleration is 400
max acceleration is 2000
Ruida 644XG
Air assist is off.
SETTINGS.lbset (12.7 KB)
PNL11G - Magical Wishes - Jamie Agamalian.lbrn2 (129.6 KB)

Any help would be incredible!

Seems like this could be a communication issue to me. Especially if you’re saying it’s repeatable.

How are you connected to the Ruida?
And how are you running the job? Are you using Start button or Send?

When you’ve rerun the job with the same issue, are you running from existing job on controller or resending it?

I am connected via usb cable. The first test that worked I sent from PC. Every time after I used the start button on the Ruida. I also turned it off, and wanted to try one more time so I turned it back on and again ran it from the ruida start. When I go back in tomorrow, I’ll try running it again sending it from the PC. Hopefully it’s that simple! But if it works from the PC, would you just consider it a glitch, or should I ignore the button, and just always run from the PC. Meaning, have you seen this happen a lot with the Ruida? I’ve never had a problem before, so I’m hoping if this works that it’s just a glitch.

I’ve personally only experienced something like this a handful of times but I’ve seen a few similar glitches on the forum.

If you still have the file on the controller you may want to try to preserve the file to see if you can identify the issue. Try looking at it on the Panel and see if you can actually see the glitch on the screen. Alternatively, try copying the file from the controller to USB drive, then load the .RD file back into LightBurn. If the file was indeed corrupted through a communication issue you should be able to see the corruption in the import.

If you continue to see these corruptions evaluate if anything has changed electrically anywhere near the computer or laser. Any new devices connected nearby? Anything that might be creating radio noise? Possibly a failing cable?

If problems persist you may want to consider switching to ethernet for your connection.

This is definitely an education! I appreciate it.
My Ruida screen has never really displayed what it’s engraving, sometimes it will show a cut line as opposed to a fill, but never consistently. I’ve never tried copying a fill from the controller to the sub drive, but I will do that as well.

Thanks again, I’ll let you know how I make out.

That did the trick! Thanks!
Although that is a little scary…I do a lot of personalization where every engraving is different…if I have to run a test print every time, that would double my production time. Given this is the first time in 3 years I have had an issue, I’m tempted to go about it the same as I always have and just keep this in the back of my mind. But I really appreciate it, because I had a similar issue a while back and the fix was that the lens cap had come loose. I was about to disassemble the entire machine, never having thought of the file getting corrupt in the loading. You saved me a ton of time and effort that would have proved useless. I owe you a beer!

If you regularly send files to the controller and run them from there, how often do you clear the memory in it? Ruida controllers get funky when close to full, so if you have a lot of files hosted in it, I’d recommend deleting as many as you can.

On a few of my systems I’ve had to do a full format on occasion (just the file storage, not settings or anything else) to get them to stop misbehaving. Format is done through the file menu on the controller itself. You can delete all files from there, or from the File List window in LightBurn.

Didn’t know that either. I’ve just constantly run the file from the pc then if repeating , used the button on the Ruida. I didn’t know that it was keeping historical files. I will clear them out as well, but that must have a good amount of memory!

Glad that resolved it.

Note that using the “Start” button in contrast to “Send” will basically be run as a temp file and not accumulate on the controller. If you’re generally running from the PC and not bringing up files on the controller to run then might be easier to just use Start button.

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