Image Trace Cut is hindered when scaling down an image

I have traced a descent sized image in terms of L x W, so that the Trace Image feature can grab as much detail as it can.

When scaling down the traced image, part of the trace disappears and there is a disconnect which can only be seen in the preview tab.

Image preview when making the trace bigger and there is no disconnect:

How can I make sure the scaling down is not butchering the image trace?
Somehow, this was not happening yesterday. I even have test pieces which were cut out just fine…

Can you upload the .lbrn file for review?

objects.lbrn2 (99.9 KB)

Attached is the file @berainlb

In Optimization Settings, disable “Remove overlapping lines” or make the value much smaller. Your current setting is conflating the lines as overlap at the scale you’re trying to burn.

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OMG! I forgot about this. I was working on something new and forgot about the setting.

Thank you so much!

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