Images alternating black/white when overlaid

I am sure this has been addressed but I don’t see it.

When you overlay an object over another one, it alternates the black/white as they ‘touch’ each other. How do you prevent this from happening. I would like to outline the motorcycle in the middle, and it all stay the same layer.

You have some options depending to try: Boolean operations Offset and Cut Shapes.
Else post your *.lbrn2 file for us to help more.
I need to leave but someone here will assist you.

Here is the Lightburn file. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

The project is cutting Delrin for embossing leather.

Lowcounty Motorcycle ride.lbrn2 (108.9 KB)

Break out the parts like this.

Group the circle into a sing unit with this

Take the motorcycle and use OFFSET command with settings something like this


Move the larger copy to the center of the circle (I always use the center of the workspace “P” as a reference when moving parts that I want to re-align later)

Use Boolean subtract

to get this result. Now you you a “punchout” all the way through the layer rather than having a stack of images on top of each other.

(if you get this result, press CTRL+Z to backup one step and use Boolean subtract again. The program is designed to work like this…

Grab the original motor cycle and press “P”.

Add the box back in and re-reverse the image to original

Lowcounty Motorcycle ride fixed.lbrn2 (115.1 KB)

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Thank you so much! That’s what I needed, Thanks!


Always happy to help fellow laser hobbyist learn :slight_smile:


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