Images Are Stretched When Engraving With A Chuck Rotary

On the Ruida, the roller or object diameter is stored in the controller. I only have one value I can set, and that is either the object diameter with a chuck rotary, or the roller diameter if you have a roller. Very few people flip constantly between these two things. I might add a few settings presets, and if I do, I can make them optionally include everything, not just object diameters.

According to your video your steps per rotation value isn’t high enough.

can you explain how to figure out the steps per rotation again? it begins and ends in the same spot as you said it should. does that not indicate it’s doing the correct number of steps?

Under Rotary Setup, set the object circumference to be 100 mm.

Now draw a rectangle that is 100 mm in the Y direction (same as object circumference), and run it.

If the chuck rotates exactly 1 full turn then your steps per rotation is perfect.
If the chuck rotates less than 1 full turn, then you need to increase steps per rotation.
If the chuck rotates more than 1 full turn, then decrease steps per rotation.

thank you. out of curiosity, why is 100 the magic number for one full rotation? wouldn’t it be the circumference of the rotary, whatever that is?

There is no magic number. Use 200, or 87, or 135, or whatever.
The important part of this experiment is that the Y dimension of your rectangle is equal to the number you set as your object circumference. That should make the chuck rotate one revolution.

thanks, i appreciate the help.

No, it begins here:

…and ends here:

Those look like pretty different spots to me. :slight_smile: It looks like you’re about 1/6th of a rotation short. When the chuck does it’s ‘starting spin’ to get the beginning of the cut, it should hit the tape mark you started at. The lines it draws front-to-back along the chuck should be drawn at that tape mark. Your video shows only one of them doing that, at the start point, but not the other end.

i understand now, thank you. i thought you meant the job had to start and end in the same spot. but of course it would do that. i dug around in the documentation and found a setting for RDworks called circle pulse which is their weird way of saying steps per rotation. even though the video says use the same settings, it turns out the roller rotary uses 6800, but the chuck rotary uses 10000. figured i’d post that here so anyone else will be able to find it. doing a google search for boss and steps per rotation doesn’t return results even though it makes more sense than “circle pulse”.

i haven’t had time to enter those setting and test but based on everything else, i assume it will solve things. thanks for bearing with me.

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