Wow. Starting raw is how I got into the issue.
Shared internally with our Dev team, but it is late for most timezones we inhabit. I suspect there will be some feedback before I’m awake. Thanks again for drawing our attention to this.
You are correct. Making the correct file the default allows me to start raw and be OK. So, now I have a hypothesis… I use the same PC to run my galvo fiber and have been doing images that are STL and are cross-hatched for 2.5D engraving. And, I switch back and forth on the fly from my CO2 to my galvo. I wonder if a crossHatch setting from doing that jumped over from galvo to CO2. I never had this problem prior to trying out cross-hatch depth engraving on the galvo.
Now that is some great detective work there. Thank you. I will pass this along for context, as it could be very helpful.
Update: @JohnJohn offered a thought/question over the fence, do you have more than one instance of LightBurn running as you go back and forth, or are you changing Device profiles from the UI in the ‘Laser’ tab?
I change the device in the laser tab. It always opens CO2 first, then I’ll change to galvo to play around and sometime back to CO2 again.
Clearly, I’ve done something more crazy than the devs would expect a normal human to do.
The cross-hatch setting isn’t exposed or enabled for image layers, even for galvo with the 3D slicing option, so it’s bizarre to me that it got set somehow. We’ll take a look.
I wish I knew what I did exactly to get it this way…
Just a thought on what I might have done… I often forget to switch laser type and will accidentally open a galvo file while the CO2 is selected and visa versa. Maybe that is what allowed a hop in the setting from one to the other.
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