Incomplete docs?

On the MOVE window there is a toggle to “Move from Machine zero”. In the docs under MOVE there is no mention as to what this actually does. The Doc section mentions some features on the screen but not all.
This is written by someone that already is knowledgeable on the software but does not take into consideration of those being new.
“Move from Machine zero” - What does this do?

This question has been answered previously on the forum: Move From Machine Zero? - #6 by LightBurn

Thank you, Jess.
So, if I understand this correctly, turning this on then all movements are directly displayed from Machine ZERO. This is kind of what I thought it would be anyway.
This being said then if I save a “Preset position” When I turn on the machine and Lightburn, I should be able to go to that position directly rather than jog the machine there. Yes?

When you turn on your machine and LightBurn, if your laser has limit switches, it should home itself. After homing, you can tell it go elsewhere. I like using a macro button to move to the same certain position.

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Thanks for bringing this up. I’ll add this to the list for updates.


I tried the Macro thing, but I am getting an error. I am trying to move it to a negative location (Go X-165.9 Y-85.5)

When I set it to “Move from Machine zero” toggle, I tried moving to the left 558 mm and it crashed to the left side, past the distance requested, then started moving to the front of the machine and I fear it was going to crash there as well. Shut it down.

Which corner does your machine home to? I think you might need to use an offset as described in this forum post. LightBurn wants positive workspace numbers.

OK, my machine homes top right. So, I have to offset the machine to make LB think it is operating from the opposite corner.
Can I assume this can be done in the Use Laser Macro?

To assure I am offsetting properly… Normally my working area is 31 inches X 31 inches or Y787mm & X787mm. I’ll need to factor in the offset of the laser mounted to the right side of the Spindle as well. This would be minus that distance in the X direction, if I am following correctly.

Please give me some encouragement that I am thinking this out properly before attempting this. It’s a little out of my comfort zone.

ME> :grimacing:

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You got this! You have it correct: “This would be minus that distance in the X direction.” Unless mounting your laser to the right side of your spindle is an option!

In your console window, where it says (type commands here) type, but be sure to swap the question marks for your calculation:

G10 L2 P1 X-??? Y-787, press enter.

When you go back to CNC, I think you will need to enter $RST=* to clear the offset.

Does this have to be done each time I load Lightburn?

No, you won’t have to enter ‘G10 L2 P1 X-??? Y-787’ each time. The information will be saved to your laser. You can confirm the change was made by typing: $# and looking at line G54. Go back to the original factory settings using the command: $RST=* You’ll want to go back to factory settings when you’re done lasering and want to use your machine as cnc again.

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