Increasing line, (kerf) thickness

Hello, I have learned a lot here so I came back to the well. I often want to increase the thickness of a line that I want ingraved but not filled, just on line option. I am sure there is an easy way that I just am overlooking or have not learned yet. Any advice?

of course :wink:
bring your focus out of focus, try with 1-3mm

Thank you. I will go to the documentation I look this up. I thank you for the help.

Kerf is the size of the ‘cut’ left by the tool and is usually used to adjust the ‘offset’ of the tool from the ‘tool path’ for a proper cut, not changing the tool size itself.

The focal point of your laser can be changed as advised, but you have a corresponding lowering of power, since it’s not focused.

Good luck…


There are really only two ways to make a line thicker:

  • Run the laser out of focus, as Bernd mentioned
  • Draw more lines beside each other

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